Metronome Real-Time Java Papers

 David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng, and V.T. Rajan, A Real-time Garbage Collector with Low Overhead and Consistent Utilization. Conference Record of the Thirtieth ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2003), pp. 285-298.  PDF
This is the canonical paper which describes the Metronome garbage collection algorithm, analysis, and implementation.

 David F. Bacon, Real-time Garbage Collection. ACM Queue, volume 5 issue 1 (February 2007), pp. 40-49.  PDF
This is a more accessible but less detailed description of the Metronome technology

David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng, David Grove, Michael Hind, V.T. Rajan, Eran Yahav, Matthias Hauswirth, Christoph Kirsch, Daniel Spoonhower, and Martin T. Vechev, High-level Real-time Programming in Java. Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (Jersey City, New Jersey, September 2005), pp. 68-78. PDF

Daniel Frampton, David F. Bacon, Perry Cheng, and David Grove, –> Generational Real-time Garbage Collection: A Three Part Invention for Young Objects –>. Proceedings of the Twenty-First European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, (Berlin, Germany, July 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (to appear).  PDF –>